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Pharmacies <-> infoHUB
Assembly Pharmacy -- 137 Transvaal Rd, Kimberley -- 053 833 1041
Brummage Pharmacy -- 259 Barkley Rd, Homestead, Kimberley -- 053 871 6032
Crystal Pharmacy -- Popham St, Kimberley -- 053 871 2701
Hadison Park Pharmacy -- Carters Rd, Pick n Pay Center, Rhodesdene, Kimberley -- 053 861 4768
Kim-Kem Apteek -- Memorial Rd, Monument Super Spar Center, Kimberley -- 053 833 3004
Kimberley Pharmacy -- Market Sq, Kimberley -- 053 831 3035
Medpark Pharmacy -- 142 Du Toitspan Rd, Medical Center, Kimberley -- 053 831 1737
Pharmacross Apteek -- Lang St, Medicross, Albertynshof, Kimberley -- 053 830 4242
Richmond Pharmacy -- 85 Jones St, Kimberley -- 053 832 7681
Virtual Care -- 14 George St, Kimberley -- 053 831 2848
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